October 2024
ISSN 2148-7278
Volume: 10 Issue: 3

GLOKALde , ISSN 2148-7278 , Article 3

VOYAGE TO UKRANE’S DISTANCE EDUCATION: Distance Learning For Sustainable Development of All By 2030

Senior Teacher of Romance and Germanic
Languages and Translation Department,
National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, UKRAINE


Ukraine is a post-Soviet country and got its independence in August 1991, in 1996 Constitution of Ukraine was adopted (Конституція України, 1996). Since that time all areas of Ukrainian economy have constantly been changing. Education has undergone rapid transformations as well. In 2016, a new Law “On Higher Education” was adopted. Among other principles of this law there is a principle of lifelong learning which enables Ukrainians to obtain higher education at all ages (earlier citizens were allowed to obtain higher education until they were 35 years old) (Закон України «Про вищу освіту», 2016). This principle challenges higher educational establishments to introduce new techniques to the academic process, to bring novelty into the classroom. Two issues are being brought out into the open to enhance the process of learning. They are the promotion of distance learning in order to enable all learners irrespective of their age, sex, religion and beliefs to get higher education and the second issue is how to cultivate creativity in those who learn distantly. Currently the concept of distance education is based on the following legislative documents:

  • Constitution of Ukraine (www.zakon.rada.gov.ua);

  • Law of Ukraine "On Education" (www. zakon.rada.gov.ua);

  • Law of Ukraine "On National Programme of Informatization" (www.zakon.rada.gov.ua);

  • Resolution of Verhovna Rada (Parliament) 06.07.2000, № 1851-ІІІ "On approving tasks of National Programme of Informatization for the period 2000-2002" (www.zakon.rada.gov.ua);

  • Decree of President of Ukraine 31.07.2000, № 928/2000 " On measures to develop the national component of global information network (Internet) and to provide a wide access to this network in Ukraine" (www.zakon.rada.gov.ua);

  • Decree of Ministry of science and education of Ukraine 07.07.2000, №293 "On the establishment of Ukrainian centre of distance education" (www.osvita.org.ua).

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